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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 185 Specialist Officers Posts 2015

State Bank of India (SBI) Recruitment for 185 Specialist Officers Posts 2015
State Bank of India (SBI) Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD), Mumbai published notification for recruitment for below mention posts Specialist Cadre Officers posts in State Bank Group. Check below for more details.
Advertisement No.: CRPD/SCO/2015-16/7
Posts :
Assistant Managers (System)
For SBI :
Gen - 71
SC - 21
ST - 10
OBC - 38
Total - 140
For SBM :
Gen - 2
SC - 1
ST - 1
OBC -1
Total - 5
Deputy Manager (Law)
Gen - 20
SC - 6
ST - 3
OBC - 11
Total - 40
Total No. of Posts : 185 Posts
Educational Qualification :
Deputy Manager (Law) : Graduate with a degree in Law or a Law Graduate who has passed 5 years integrated Law course from a recognized University in India.
Assistant Manager (System) : B.E. / B. Tech. in Computer Science / Computer Applications / Information Technology / Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentations or M. Sc. in Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunications / Electronics & Communications / Electronics & Instrumentation / Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Applications or MCA from Government recognized University or institution.
Age Limit :
Deputy Manager (Law) : 21 to 38 year
Assistant Manager (System) : 21 to 30 year
Application Fee : (can be made through Online Mode by using debit card / credit card / Internet Banking etc. )
SC / ST / PWD : 100/-
General : 600/-
Selection Procedure:
Deputy Manager (Law) and Assistant Manager (System): The selection of candidates will be on the basis of online written test and interview. The test will be conducted tentatively on 17.01.2016 The date of test will be uploaded on Bank’s website and also advised to the candidates through SMS and e mails. Candidates will be required to download the call letters. The test may be held at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bangalore, Bhopal, Raipur, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, Chennai, Madurai, Guwahati, Hyderabad / Secunderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata / Greater Kolkata, Lucknow, Varanasi, Mumbai / Greater Mumbai / Thane / Navi Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Dehradun, Jaipur, New Delhi/ Delhi / NCR, Patna, Ranchi, Ernakulam & Trivandrum centres. The Bank, however, reserves the right to add or delete any centre and allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has opted for Test will be held on-line. Wherever there will be no test, short-listing and interviews will be held.Where number of applications is less, Bank reserves the right to consider selection of the candidate(s) through shortlisting and interview, instead of test & interview.
Except Professional Knowledge (PK) paper, other papers will be of qualifying in nature. Candidates have to score minimum qualifying marks in these papers. The minimum qualifying marks will be decided by the Bank. The questions will be bilingual i.e. in Hindi & English. The candidates will have option to answer the questions in Hindi or English (except for test of English Language).
To be eligible for being short-listed for interview, candidates have to score equal to or above the cut-off marks to be decided by the Bank for the PK test, besides scoring equal to or above the Minimum qualifying marks in other tests.
Candidates must secure equal to or more than the minimum qualifying marks (to be decided by the Bank) in interview to be considered for selection. In the interview, the candidate can opt for Hindi also.
In case more than one candidate score the cut off marks (common mark at cut off point), such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order, both in the select list as well as in the wait list.
Interview: Adequate number of candidates as decided by the Bank will be called for Interview. The qualifying marks in Interview will be as decided by the Bank.
Merit List: for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in PK test and interview.
How to Apply : Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Websit
Notification.click here

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