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Monday, 2 March 2015

SSC Constable (GD) 2011 Revised Result Declared

SSC Constable (GD) 2011 Revised Result Declared  :

 Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the revised result for the recruitment of female constable (GD) in BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB, Examination, 2011.

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In compliance of the order dated November 21,2014 passed by the Hon'ble Delhi High Court in WP (C) No. 8004 of 2014 (Navrattan Singh and Others) v/s UOI and Another, revised result of 2530 male candidates by replacing their Blank/Limited/Invalid preferences with default preferences had been announced on February 4.

Result of similarly placed female candidates has been revised in the manner as under:

Blank/invalid/limited preferences have been replaced with default preferences in the notice of examination (ABCD) since the marks of last selected candidates in different CAPFs are different;

Based on their merit, candidates have been selected with respect to the marks of last selected candidates already selected in select list. Merit has been decided, as per tie-criteria;

Rank numbers have not been allotted;

Candidates will be adjusted against the vacancies for the year 2014- 2015;

A total of 112 female candidates have qualified in the revised result.

BSF: 84 candidates

CISF: 22 candidates

CRPF: 6 candidates

Tie cases have been resolved by referring to the marks in Part A of the written paper i.e. a candidate having more marks in Part A is given preference. If the tie still persists, the candidate older in age gets preference. If the tie still persists, it is finally resolved by referring to the alphabetical order of names i.e. a candidate whose name begins with the alphabet which comes first in the alphabetical order gets preference.

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